In Room 13, we have a maths interchange with Room 12. This means that some students from Room 12 come into our class, and some students from our class go into Room 12. The maths sessions are a lot of fun.
Before we get on with our work, we see which rotations each group are going to do. Each group has different tasks on each rotation. My group (the Equals group - that is the group name) began with Study Time, then Mastering Maths Facts, and lastly, "Mathletics". Our group didn't do Teacher Time or Hands On today.
Study Time is when you are given a topic (for example - investments) and you have to learn about it and record it on the computer. My groups topic is the Share Market, so we are studying that at the moment (don't worry - we don't have to finish all our work in a day - we get several weeks to finish it!).
Mastering Maths Facts is (for most groups) an activity where one person flicks up some basic facts cards. Everyone else in that group has to answer the questions. After the card person has gone through all the cards, another person in that group flips the cards until its time to change rotations. The other groups go on the computer and create a document about divisibility rules.

Mathletics is a computer programme where you can play maths games, connect with friends (and do maths activities together), and you can complete maths tasks set by your teacher! Everyone loves this rotation.
I'm sure you can guess what teacher time is! You catch up with the teacher on your rotations, and the teacher asks how you're going with it. It is also the time we get to learn new things such as integers and how to add and subtract negative and positive numbers. Hands On is where you do your bookwork and activity sheets.
So, now you know what we do in our awesome maths rotations, do you want to join in?
By Georgina