Tuesday, April 8, 2014


 In our class, we have a special wall, where everyone in our class can share quotes, projects or cool pictures they have taken or seen on the Internet. Everyone is allowed to put up something small whenever they want, but each week, a student in the class has to put up something that interests them, and they can put it in the "Wow!" frame.

Even up close, its hard to see him. Can you spot the man,
in amongst all those cellphones?
 Last week, it was Max's turn to put up something on the Wow wall. He found some images of a man who camouflages himself by PAINTING himself!!! We all went over to the wall, trying to find the man. It was quite easy to see him up close, but if you stood about two metres back, you honestly couldn't see him! We were amazed.

 This week, Connor has put up some pictures of funny - shaped letterboxes. Some look like animals. Some look like people. Others are things that we don't know!!!

 If you want to come and have a look at our "Wow" wall, you're more than welcome. All of the displays that have been in the frame are still up there. Come and have a look!!!
  By Georgina 

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